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10 Signs You Are Experiencing A Recalibration Of Your Mind-Body-Soul System

As we transition from a third dimensional reality to a hyperdimensional existence we are experiencing a recalibration of our mind-body-soul being.

This activation of cellular restructuring, a quantum make over, has been triggered by cosmic waves of light energy flowing through and around our planet for she, too, is recalibrating, raising her frequencies. This process has been triggered and is being monitored. We are being guided, as a planet and as individuals, protected and healed.

The transition from third dimension existence to multi dimensional living is tricky and challenging. Highs of intense, creative energy surges followed by deep lows of blurry head, physical tiredness, poor short term memory and tearful moments. We may feel internally conflicted, like we are being pulled in different directions. We may be more aware of the control dramas others are playing out around us. We may see through the lies and manipulations of people or society in a way we never did before. This can be disconcerting, confusing and leave us feeling under the weather, tired and restless. As our bodies recalibrate we need to rest, stay hydrated and eat well.

We are moving from a linear existence in the third dimension to hyperdimensional reality where time is quantum. We will exist in past, present and future simultaneously. This is the fifth dimension. Full of love, abundance, flow and balance.  As we transition we move between the third, fourth and fifth dimensions. During sleep our dreams allow our spirit to free itself from the dense vibrations of the body in the third dimension. We may experience timeline slippage or acceleration. This is a rare and incredible celestial event. A unique opportunity to release karma and evolve.

Read Also: 10 Warning Signs The Universe Sends When You’re On The Wrong Path


Your body is changing:

  1. You are more sensitive to chemical based products- skin irritations, allergies.
  2. You cannot tolerate synthetic food the way you used to.
  3. You experience aches, pains, colds and flu’s, stomach bugs, blurry vision, popping and buzzing in your ears and unusual headaches.

Your mind is expanding:

  1. You are actively filtering out ‘news’ trying to disconnect from the fear and depression it generates.
  2. You have woken up to much of the lies and deceit played out in global politics.
  3. You are remembering childhood passions, creative outlets you enjoyed but forgot about.

Your soul imprint is changing:

  1. You are seeking quieter ways of being.
  2. You are in the process or have shed friends/colleagues/family who bring your vibrations down.
  3. You are drawn to meditation, yoga, healing therapies, being in nature in a way you never have before.
  4. You are aware of fluctuations in your perception of time.

As we disconnect from the matrix, the holographic third dimension, flowing with surges in cosmic waves, we feel this mind-body-soul recalibration, and it’s not easy. Many people are restricting their diet cutting out wheat, gluten, meat, dairy products. The move towards organic non GMO food speaks of this.

The fight to stop Monsanto also shows a movement of awakening to the poisons of the matrix. The food weapon agenda is increasingly recognised and fought against. Alternative holistic remedies to matrix made illnesses like cancer drive the battle for freedom and disconnection from the kabals’s hold and control of the third dimension.



“We walk by faith, not by sight.”
2Co 5:7 NKJV

Walk by Faith (2)

When you decide to fly to a certain destination, these things all have to work together: (1) You must identify the right airline and flight schedule that will get you to your intended destination. (2) The plane must operate on a timetable that tells you when it’s leaving and when it’s arriving, and that the pilot has the route worked out in advance. (3) The airline has to set a price that you can afford to pay. Then they put your name in a computer, and everything is ready to go. But here’s what’s not going to happen when you arrive at the airport. You’re not going to ask them to explain how the plane works; what buttons the pilot plans to push and what the equipment will do when he or she pushes them. You’re not going to check on the route they plan to take, or ask how fast they plan to fly, or how high, or whether the pilot plans to fly by manual control or autopilot. You’re not going to argue about the price after you’ve already made your reservation and paid your fare. Why? Because you’re confident that the equipment is sound and the pilot is experienced; you know you’ll safely reach your destination. You say, “What if the plane goes down?” If you’re a redeemed child of God, you go up! “To depart, and to be with Christ …is far better” (Php 1:23). Either way, you win. Basically, you put your trust in the plane, the pilot, and the airline. And today God is asking you to do the same with Him—no more and no less!


Have a blessed day.


“We walk by faith, not by sight.”
2Co 5:7 NKJV

Walk by Faith (1)

A blind man with a seeing-eye dog “walks by faith” in his dog. He believes that what the dog “sees” will be translated into a signal that tells him when it’s time to go, stop, turn right or left. And he picks up on those signals by holding the leash that connects him with the dog. Why does he trust the dog? Because it has something he doesn’t have: sight. And it’s the same with you and God. Today it might be unclear where God is taking you. That’s why the blind man must hold the leash and stay connected to the dog. He may wonder, “Why am I stopping at this corner so long?” Because there’s traffic coming and he’s being protected from unseen danger. God says: “I will bring the blind by a way they did not know…I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, and not forsake them” (Isa 42:16 NKJV). God has your tomorrow already planned out, even though you haven’t been there yet. He works outside of time, so He’s not held back by the limitations we labor with. Paul writes: “I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can see something of the future he has called you to share…I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe him. It is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand” (Eph 1:18-20 TLB).


Wonderful day.

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